I am from Malaysia. I am a doctor currently training under the field of Paediatrics. I wish to go abroad and work in Spain, and wish to be under a Paediatric training as well in Spain. Anyone could give me some answers as to how I can go about it? Are there any entrance exams? How's the working life (and salary) as a doctor in Spain?
Other - Spain - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You should firstly check to see if your qualification is recognized here in Spain. If it is not you will need to apply to have your qualification validated. Quite often you also need to have been in practice in your country of qualification for a certain number of years before you can do this - http://www.tumbit.com/how-to-guides/articles/121-how-to-get-your-professional-qualification-recognised-in-spain.html
2 :
Are you QUALIFIED to work in Spain? Do you have a work visa for Spain? Are you so spectacular a doctor that you eclipse the qualifications of the doctors already working in Spain? Did you know that Spain has an unemployment rate of over 20%? And that people are standing in line to do jobs that are far beneath their skill levels? CITIZENS and NATIVES of Spain?