Im 20 living in england and finding it really had to get a job. Last year i worked in spain for 6 month doing bar work and loved it as i love to travel. But i think it is really important for me to get a trade im interested in plumbing or paint and decorator. Will any of these trades allow me to work in say the U.S.A or australia or europe if not what trades will?
Immigration - 3 Answers
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1 :
A degree is a mininum with a Master or a PhD being better .. there are no requirements in the US for unskilled labor ...
2 :
There is no trade that would qualify you for immigration. People in the US would kill for a job in the trades. There just aren't enough to go around. You need to be in a profession to qualify for immigration, and it has to be one that we have a shortage of. If you are a doctor, engineer, or computer scientist, you have a chance.
3 :
alot of trades will as long as you're legal and if there are any jobs available (jobs are tight now)