I want to teach English in Spain but I don't have sponsership. I wonder if this possible.
Immigration - 2 Answers
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Ok this is what I found... Residency and Work Permits American citizens wanting to study, reside, or work in Spain must obtain the appropriate visa from the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in their state/country of last residence. After the visa has been issued, foreigners have three months to apply for the corresponding permit with the Spanish authorities in Spain. Obtaining a residence or work permit is a complicated process; since regulations change continually, we suggest that you write directly to the: Spanish National Police Calle Moratin, 43 28014 Madrid You may also check the Ministry of Interior รข€™s website, or call the Ministry of Interior, within Spain, toll-free at 900-15-00-00. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also manages a website. Take a look The Embassy Of the United States in Spain website.. http://madrid.usembassy.gov/cons/acstraveling.html Good Luck Buenas Suerte